Friday, March 23, 2012

Peep Please!

I'm following  a cute friend of mine Whitney. She recently did a post for Peep Please by dumping out the contents of her purse to take a look at what's inside. She invited me to do the same and I couldn't help but think this is a fun idea. I use my purse quite often, many things come and go inside of it.

Like she did here's more of an explanation of what each item is or means to me..
From left to right.
1. Camera & it's case, so i forget that I have this when I have my purse most of the time and I have been so bad lately with taking pictures. So now that it's not buried at the bottom I need to remember I have it.
2. Cinnamon mints-from Cafe Rio. I love them both, every time I go I make sure I get a few of these. I went with my friend Romalynn tonight so it's something new that I added in my purse.
3. Listerine strips, my mom uses these and I couldn't help but buy some for me to have. They are handy when you don't want a piece of gum.
4. Pepper spray, thanks to uncle Matt I have this handy-never know when its useful.
5. My cute bracelet I recieved on Valentine's day this year from my cute little "boyfriend" Bryce. He's my neighbor who has had a crush on me for some time. He's six, the cutest little boy. He had to add his favorite animal on it, a turtle. I meant to wear it on St. Patrick's day and ended up in my purse instead.
6. Antibacterial-enough said. Love this stuff
7. Kleenex's never know when one is needed.
8. Headband from Sara, wore it today and took it off on the way home and ended up in the pile in my purse. Love it!
9. Keys, can't manage without those. I love my Sexy Jeep as it has been named. Along with my snazzy keychains. My brother Connor made me one of them.
10. Never know when you need to refreshen your make-up. It's a Neutrogena bronzer.
11. Android phone, good accessory to always have.
12. Gloss & chapstick
13. I <3 u bag is full of coupons-which I forget about. My mom is a savy shopper and has taught me well.
14. VS lotion, Christmas present from McCall-Love the smell!
15. Wallet, good size & was only 3 dollars!
16. Comb, also a needed essential when being out & about.

There you go! Peep please contents have been exposed. It's my essentials in a purse. I'm glad I did this, you never realize all that you do have sometimes in your purse. I haven't looked inside at everything for awhile. I'm curious if you fellow bloggers would like to take a peep in yours also. If you do, please click on the link and join all of us who have done this also! In case the link doesn't work on the picture,

Two Smuppies


  1. This is cute! & you carry some cute things in your purse hun. I learned a few things, like the coupon idea? love it. One question though? I would have expected to see a toothbrush :P

  2. Thanks! My mom is thee coupon lady so I got the idea from her. Haha good idea! I need one of those toothbrushs I can carry around ;)
